Translations & copywriting

Translations & copywriting


Not only being a native speaker is important to translate for tourism businesses, having relevant experience in this domain is as important. The combination makes that we have a greater feel for subtle nuance and stylistic differences. 

NL Translation Pricing :  € 0,20/word including quality control by second party
Minimum : € 50,-

NL Copywriting Pricing:
Minimum : € 100,-

Time per page* Cost per line**
(Re)writing Copywriting & content writing 1 – 2 hours € 2,25 – 4,50
Copy-translating Translation & rewriting € 2,00
Proofreading Reading of a proof in Dutch € 0,12

* estimated incl. quality control

** 1 line = 60 characters, incl. word spacing

Newsletter Design Setup

Newsletter Design Setup


An important communicationtool within Online Marketing is e-mail marketing, in other words sending a NEWSLETTER. You have different ways to create a professional newsletter, we use MAILCHIMP and SENDINBLUE, but there are more.

Why Mailchimp or Sendinblue? you can make simple connections with your website and automate a number of things.

Here are two important things that we should keep in mind when drafting and sending a newsletter:

Content : Make sure at all times that what you are telling is or can be interesting for the reader. Make the subject personal and provide a solution for a specific problem. Eg. 3 tips to send a better newsletter is better than “How to send a newsletter”.

Frequency : That is always a difficult … Does this have to be done once a week or once a month? This often depends on the target group. We still recommend to send a targeted newsletter once a month. But again: with relevant content.


Set up an account
Layout of a template in your house style
Perform list configuration (personalization)
Import addresses
Set up and unsubscribe procedures
Price: € 150

 Excl. cost for use of Mailchimp or Sendinblue